Monday, April 30, 2012

2D special effects

Untitled from Paul Petty on Vimeo.

I did this with Flash and After Effects as a study in special effects.

Houdini shader/texture

space ships from Paul Petty on Vimeo.

I did the shaders/textures in Houdini--all of it is node based. Paul Gerla created the program that generates the random space ships.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Make what you imagine.

This was a fun project. It's a design for me and my imaginary friend. I've actually never had an imaginary friend as a child, but I was pretty good at making friends. I guess real friends are just better.

This guy is inspired by Daft Punk and FLCL. The toolbox is based off my own box, and the kid with the big hair was me at about 7 years old.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I'm taking a drawing for animation class. It's a lot of fun, so I'm going to start posting updates more consistently on what I've done. Feel free to leave a comment if you feel inclined.

This is a texture study. from top to right: grease burnt onto a cookie sheet, sand, finger print, bark, scales, feathers, plaster, fried chicken, and brick wall.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I've just started taking animation classes. Life has been busy and I haven't taken the time to update this blog in forever. So here's a little assignment from my storyboarding class. We had to draw self portraits and write a paper about who we are as story tellers. I'm not going to put the paper on here but here are the drawings. They depict common expressions that I use that some people might recognize on me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I really like to rock climb, but hardly ever get the chance and the equipment can be pricey for my wallet. So here's some sketches of photos of people climbin'. Climbers give you the coolest poses. And that's the end of that sketchbook.